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What is the Language Education
Teaching Research Center?
The Language Education Teaching Research Center, Korea's first non-profit organization focusing on language education, was established on August 27, 1971. Since its establishment, LTRC has immensely influenced the development of the country's language education and language education research through various projects, related research, and activities. LTRC is registered with the Ministry of Education as Korea's only public non-profit education foundation.
Four people who occupy significant positions in modern Korean history began LTRC. Former US Vice President Herbert Humphrey, President of Britannica and UN Ambassador William Benton, and Frank B, Gibney, Korea's first president of Britannica, appointed Chang-gi Han as the first chairman of the LTRC.
The purpose of the Language Teaching Research Center is to conduct research and investigations to improve Korean, English, and other languages and language education, according to the law on the establishment and operation of public corporations, to contribute to Korean society's general interests. In addition, LTRC strives to contribute to the state, community, and culture by reforming teaching methods and other noble goals related to education and culture.

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